FastCounter by LinkExchange
Link to Customize It!- I know of the one thing you've always wanted... and that's to link up with Customize It! Now you can, just click this link and get set-up! Link to Customize It!. Come on now, the only people who know about this page are list members. If a bunch of people link to this page, then we can get the entire custom community to work together instead of having to join a mailing list. What do you think? If it sounds good, click here.
A member of the Custom Coalition

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Customize It! News
January 9, 2001 (Tuesday) |
The new bulletin boards are up, but will be tweaked a bit before anything's finalized. You can visit them by clicking on the link at left.
The search engine now works almost flawlessly, but I'm continuing to improve and debug it. You can visit it by clicking on the link at left.
You may have noticed a new link map on the left there. It doesn't create that weird display error the old one caused.
December 20, 1999 (Monday) |
Elseworld's Finest Group Project- New this week will be a couple of figures from Tim Priebe and maybe some others if I can get their figures in time. Check back here for updates this week (I'm off of school so I REALLY mean it this time!). Sound cool? Wanna see more? Mosey on over to Elseworld's Finest.
CustomCon International 2000The CustomCon is only 3 months away, so you'd better get crackin'! To sign-up for some stuff, send emails to, or to check out last year's CustomCon and get more info, go to CustomCon International 1999.
Site Updates- The following sites were updated sometime after the last update:
November 27, 1999 (Saturday) |
Elseworld's Finest- Expect an Elseworld's Finest update later tonight or sometime tomorrow! I have to work Saturday and Sunday, so it might not be up until Monday evening, but it will happen!!!
CustomCon International 2000- That's right! It's just around the corner, and there's plenty of notice this time around! Get crackin' and have fun! For more info, check out last year's CustomCon International.
Site Updates- The following sites were updated since the last update:
- Action Figure X-Press- Added: Red Skull
- Love of Monkey- Added: nine new customs, and the unveiling of the Love of Monkey Project!
- Green Lantern Corps Group Project- Added: James Miller's Spectre/Hal Jordan; and Hal Jordan's Guy, Kilowag, Hal, and Ch'p
- Infinity Gauntlet (easy figures for simple minds)- Added: Magnus Robot Fight, Wendigo, Skyman
- Ian MacDonald's Custom Action Figures- Added: New Flash, Zauriel, Spectre, Al Snow, Hawkman
- Joe Acevedo's Custom Action Figures- Added: Starfire, Catwoman, Hawkman
- Justice Customs- newly discovered page!
- Tung's Magical Customs (hehe, I made that up)- Added: a quick fix to 9" Batman, Famous Covers Dr. Fate
- Rods Customs- Added: Barry Allen, Hawkwoman
- Jack Hsu's Custom Action Figures- Added: a whole bunch of stuff
- Bill Burns's Custom Action Figures- Added: Flash (Jay), Wildcat, Star Spangled Kid, Hawkgirl, AS Red Robin (Kingdom Come)
- Steve Orlando's Customs brought to you by Tim- Added: TJ Alan Scott, TJ Sinestro, J.J. Thunder and Thuinderbolt, Protex, TJ Earth X Captain America, Wonder Woman 1M, FC Creeper, FC Aquaman, Mimic, AS Martian Manhunter, NBTAS Catwoman
- Tim's Comic Customs- Added: Living Laser, Dynavac, MOTU Superman, and OMAC
- FatSal's SuperPowers Customs- Added: 'Tick-Tock' Tyler
- Ron Kenyon's Custom Action Figures- Added: Metallo
- Chris's Custom Action Figures- another new page, found on the web by scourer extraordinaire Tim Priebe
- Leviathon Studios - X-Men Tweaks- Added: Famous Covers X-Men Tweaks!
- Chris Galdieri's PhotoPoint Gallery- Added: about 15 new customs (like John Stewart GL, Abin Sur GL, Barry Allen, Superman 1M, and more)
- Young Heroes in Love- Added: Monstergirl, Thunderhead, Bonfire
- Avengers TAS Project- Added: Andrew Rothery's Falcon
- Bryan Smith's PhotoPoint Gallery- Added: a whole slew of custom action figures
- SigmaWolf's Custom Action Figures- brand new page from Brian Orban
October 31, 1999 (Sunday) |
Search Engine Update- Any day now, the search engine will finally be functional on Tripod servers. Tripod has update their systems to include user-written CGI-scripts in user-websites. You all will be very pleased!
Elseworlds' Finest Update- So far, we've still got just two figures up, but I've got a bunch more in line to get put up. There's a link below in the Site Updates section for anyone interested in participating or viewing the submissions.
Site Updates!- The following sites were updated since the last update here:
- Elseworlds' Finest- Added: Joker, TDKR Carrie Kelly
- DarkMonkE's Custom Action Figure Stuff Page- it's slowly goin' up!
- Tim's Comics and Stuff- Added: Count Nefaria, Tiger Shark, Lex Luthor, Penguin, STAS Flash
- International House of Phun- Added: fan fiction Impulse story, Famous Covers stuff, and more!
- FatSal's Super Powers Customs- Added: Earth-2 Superman (Kal-L)
- Charlie Jackam's Custom DC Figures- it's slowly goin' up! he listed about 10 DC figures, though
- Jack's Custom Figure Site- brand new website!
- Heroes by James- Added: a new Iron Man (I couldn't find it, but he says it's there)
- Mudd's Custom Action Figure Page- new web page!
- Leviathon Studios- Added: Red Skull
- Green Lantern Corps Group Project- Added: Kapoo's "Biff"
- New@TRU- updated almost weekly!
- Love of Monkey - Toys- this is a new section for Deej's "greater collective"
- Kevin Schramm's Custom Action Figures- Added: Dick Grayson, Vandal Savage (new pic), Dr. Occult
- Custom League of America- Added: Elongated Man, Bloodwynd, Black Canary
- The Rock's Custom Action Figures- new page
- STARRO Gathering Photos- from the San Diego Comic Con
October 8, 1999 (Friday) |
CUSTOMIZE! Elseworlds' Finest- This project is NOT DEAD! I've got some images and pages to work on I could have them up by early next week depending on my work schedule. I think you'll really like it.
2 months of updates!- Although no one really seems to miss this page when I don't update it, I've decided to keep updating it until I get bored with it. Here, it's been almost 2 months since the last update, so there're a ton of 'em listed below.
DarkMonkE's coming back... someday- Fear not, fans of mine! I have figures in the works, I just don't have much time to work on them (I'm too busy procrastinating with school work). I've also got a new page and page design coming soon... look for it!
Site Updates- The following sites were updated since the last update:
- Chris Lee's List of new figures-
- Matt Bertwell's Photopoint Gallery- new gallery
- Ben Hardy's Photopoint Gallery- new gallery
- Bryan Smith's Photopoint Gallery- new gallery
- Frank Furfaro's Photopoint Gallery- new gallery
- Calvin Uzelmeier's Custom Action Figures- new page!
- Childish Things- Added: DKR Carrie Kelly (Robin)
- Chris Buek's DC/Marvel Project- Added: some new stuff
- Colin Gill's Custom Action Figures- Added: AS Scarecrow, Batman Beyond Commisioner Barbara Gordon
- Ian McDonald's Custom Toys- Added: Captain Marvel, Killer Croc, Elongated Man, AS Lex Luthor, special version of Brainiac in LOD, Tim Drake (Robin), Supergirl, AS Superboy, AS Hal Jordan
- The Midnight Toy Portal 2- Added: all sorts of new stuff, including a new design
- Green Lantern Corps Group Project!- Added: Ian McDonald is going off on this project y'all, check it out! CG also has some new stuff, and don't forget, there's more from James Miller
- Green Lantern Corps Group Project(?)- Added: more new stuff from James Miller
- The Yellow Thing- Added: better images, Pied Piper, umm... "more Mitchell crap"
- Jonathan Sheen's Mego and Famous Covers Customs- Added: Mego Dr. Who, Indiana Jones, Captain America
- The Mighty Miry Clay's Super Powers Customs- Added: Super Powers customs
- Phil's Stuff- Added: Hawkman, Clayface, Nightwing, Black Manta
- The Sugarman's Custom Action Figures- fixed problems caused by Geocities, added some new stuff
- Captain Spandex's Custom Figures- new site (to me anyway), resource for FC/DC 9"/mego customizers
- Ron Kenyon's Custom Action Figures- Added: Radioactive Man (not the Simpsons guy, the Avengers guy!)
- Charlie Jackam's Custom Action Figures- Added: AS Gray Ghost, AS Lex Luthor, AS Convict Two-Face, Silver Age Aquaman, Red Skull, Ace the Bat-Hound
- FatSal's Super Powers Customs- Added: Simon & Kirby Sandman, Earth-2 Batman
- ihop- Added: more marvel kookiness from Impy, and some contest...
- Jonathan Brown's Custom Action Figures- new site!
- Tim's YASRCFT- Added: Spider-Boy, Spider-Boy 2099, Bizarnage, Bizzaro (1st Appearance), Bizarro Superboy, Atomic Skull, Superboy (trained by Batman), Metamorpho, Lobo the Duck, STAS Superman, Sandman IV, Omega Guys, and a new article
- Jeff's CuStom Figure ZonE- Added: Dick Grayson, repainted Batman, K.G Beast, redone Nightwing
Site Overview |
Customize It!'s Exchange- For the next couple of days, I will include a section right here that discusses a part of Customize It! and how it should work. Today it'll be about Customize It!'s Exchange. The Exchange is an exchange of ideas, not anything physical; that's a different section (Customize It! Trade Lists). The message boards at the Exchange are divided into three groups: General Discussion, Group Projects, and Tips & Tricks. Obviously, these sections speak for themselves: Tips & Tricks for tips and tricks; group projects for group projects; and general discussion for everything else. I have room at the Exchange for two more forums if you've got an idea for another forum. These forums were created so that the non-list members of the customizing community would have a way to hang-out with the people who do belong to mailing lists. Be sure to check out Customize It!'s Exchange, you might be surprised!
Customize This! Chat- Customize This! Chat is just what it sounds like it is, a place where a bunch of customizers can get together and talk live. This has obvious advantages over email, mainly time and patience. I have set forth a few ground rules on the chat page; it would be in everyone's best interests to comply by these rules, so that no one is made upset or uncomfortable. For the sake of everyone's sanity, let's all use the same log in name every time we visit the chat room. Also, I need to know you guys think it would be a good idea if we kept a list of who uses which name. It sounds promising but could lead to extremely easy trespassing. The chat room is also detachable so that you can continue browsing while you chat; I think that this is the most useful feature. Click here to visit Customize This! Chat Room.
Learn, then Customize It!- Learn, then Customize It! is our article section here at Customize It!. So far we have two articles posted ("Decoupage" by Leslie Hancock, and "Glasses for Toys!" by Orlando "Ultin"). Soon, these two articles will be joined by a compilation of Tung Nguyen's and Baldwyn Chieh's work with almost every kind of clay there is! If you have an article you'd like to submit, float on over to Contact Customize It! and give it a whirl. This section was meant to help this site's viewers in their journey to complete their perfect custom figure. This section helps the viewer expand his knowledge of the custom world to better improve everyone's customs.
Hosted Sites Overviews |
CI! Hall of Fame- This is one (and the only) of our hosted sites. It was created by me and I just didn't have any other place to put it, but it's a really great site. It's probably gonna have some great group projects (the first one has started) and a section for custom figures published in various toy-zines. This page hasn't recieved much publicity or many hits, but you should check it out. If have already checked it out, you might want to again, cause I've changed a lot. Click here to check out the newest version of the CI! Hall of Fame.
CustomCon International 1999- Trip "DarkMonkE" Somers has created another marvelous site, no really, people really like this one :o) This site was created as our own Custom Toy Fair. It involved creating toy lines completely out of custom action figures. Some stuff to drool over this year: Super Powers, Total Justice, DCU, WWF, Star Trek Aliens, Pokemon, and much more! Click here to get your Custom Toy Fair groove on.

You used to be able to come here and visit my second favorite site, The Daily Plastic, but alas they are no more.
This site is designed and maintained by |
 | © |
This page and it's contents are copyright ©1999 by Richard "Trip" Somers, and may not be used for profit or with malicious intents at all. Our best customs buddy Bill Burns made most o'these neat-o images and shouldn't be used without our permission, they are copyright ©1999 by Richard "Trip" Somers, with Bill's permission. The links contained on this page are in no way affiliated with Customize It!, except the CI! Hall of Fame, and are copyright © their respective owners.
I spent a lot of time working on this and would hate for someone to abuse it. Thank You.